Internationaler Islamismus wird immer brutale


Rasheed Bashiruddin Alaq 08. Februar um 19:55 melden
Perpetrators will be answerable to God Almighty
It is with great sadness that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at confirms that yesterday on 6th February 2011, 3 members of its community were martyred in Indonesia in an utterly barbaric and brutal attack.
The attack occurred in Cikeusik, south of Banten in Indonesia and was conducted by a large group of people numbering between 700 and 1,000. The attack occurred even though police had been forewarned for a number of days about an imminent attack on the local Ahmadi Muslims. Despite the warnings the police failed to take any measures or steps to prevent the attack.
It is reported that the attackers came to the local centre of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat brandishing machetes, spears, knives and other weapons. As a result 3 Ahmadi Muslims were martyred publically and 5 others were seriously injured. 2 cars, 1 house and 1 motorcycle belonging to Ahmadi Muslims were also burnt down. Thus far no one has been arrested by the police in relation to this incident.
Speaking from London in response to these brutal killings, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat said:
“This horrific attack has caused grief and pain to all Ahmadi Muslims worldwide and indeed to all peace loving people. The barbarity of the perpetrators knows no bounds; indeed people watching the merciless beatings were clapping and cheering. The local police and authorities failed to protect the Ahmadi Muslims and allowed them to be exposed to this cruel and brutal attack.
Whenever such attacks occur the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat both in Indonesia and worldwide always displays patience and seeks solace not in revenge or violence but through prayers to God Almighty and this will always remain the case. It is however certain that those who have inflicted these cruelties will be answerable to God Almighty and will have to face His punishment. In the meantime the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat will continue to bow down in front of the One God and seek His Protection and Help.”
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat calls on the Indonesian Government to fulfil its mandate to protect all of its citizens, regardless of religion. It is also hereby clarified that no Ahmadi Muslim was involved in any form of provocation whatsoever and that these attacks were motivated simply due to the fact that the victims were members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. It is a tragedy that these Ahmadi Muslims were martyred in the most barbaric way because they chose to live their lives by the Ahmadiyya motto of ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’.
A further Press Release with particulars of the deceased and further details will soon be issued.


Perpetrators will be answerable to God Almighty
It is with great sadness that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at confirms that yesterday on 6th February 2011, 3 members of its community were martyred in Indonesia in an utterly barbaric and brutal attack.
The attack occurred in Cikeusik, south of Banten in Indonesia and was conducted by a large group of people numbering between 700 and 1,000. The attack occurred even though police had been forewarned for a number of days about an imminent attack on the local Ahmadi Muslims. Despite the warnings the police failed to take any measures or steps to prevent the attack.
It is reported that the attackers came to the local centre of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat brandishing machetes, spears, knives and other weapons. As a result 3 Ahmadi Muslims were martyred publically and 5 others were seriously injured. 2 cars, 1 house and 1 motorcycle belonging to Ahmadi Muslims were also burnt down. Thus far no one has been arrested by the police in relation to this incident.
Speaking from London in response to these brutal killings, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat said:
“This horrific attack has caused grief and pain to all Ahmadi Muslims worldwide and indeed to all peace loving people. The barbarity of the perpetrators knows no bounds; indeed people watching the merciless beatings were clapping and cheering. The local police and authorities failed to protect the Ahmadi Muslims and allowed them to be exposed to this cruel and brutal attack.
Whenever such attacks occur the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat both in Indonesia and worldwide always displays patience and seeks solace not in revenge or violence but through prayers to God Almighty and this will always remain the case. It is however certain that those who have inflicted these cruelties will be answerable to God Almighty and will have to face His punishment. In the meantime the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat will continue to bow down in front of the One God and seek His Protection and Help.”
The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat calls on the Indonesian Government to fulfil its mandate to protect all of its citizens, regardless of religion. It is also hereby clarified that no Ahmadi Muslim was involved in any form of provocation whatsoever and that these attacks were motivated simply due to the fact that the victims were members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. It is a tragedy that these Ahmadi Muslims were martyred in the most barbaric way because they chose to live their lives by the Ahmadiyya motto of ‘Love for All, Hatred for None’.
A further Press Release with particulars of the deceased and further details will soon be issued.

Anti Ahmadiyya killingعلماء بدترین مخلوق
سّیدنا آنحضرت ﷺ نے فرمایا : لوگوں پر ایسا زمانہ آ أ گا جب اسلام کا صرف نام باقی رہ جا أ گا اور قرآن کے صرف الفاظ باقی رہ جائیں گے۔ اُن کی مسجدیں ظاہر میں تو آباد ہونگی لیکن ہدایت کے لحاظ سے بالکل ویران ہونگی۔ اس زمانہ کے لوگوں کے علماء آسمان کے نیچے بدترین مخلوق ہوں گے۔ اُنہی میں سے فتنے نکلیں گے ا

Über benjaminarendtinstitut

Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf der systematischen wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung des SED Kommunismus und des Nationalsozialismus, sowie bei der Aufklärung der Bevölkerung über diese beiden Diktaturen in Deutschland. Zum Inhaber Thomas Schalski-Seehann: Thomas Schalski-Seehann studierte an der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Politik in Hamburg (jetzt Universität Hamburg) Soziologie mit Schwerpunkt in politische Soziologie und an der Universität Haifa, Israel Middle East Studies. Im Rahmen seines Studium beschäftigte er sich mit der Soziologie des Antsemitismus sowie der politischen Philosophie von Hannah Ahrendt und Walter Benjamin. Seine Diplom Arbeit schrieb er über die Jüdische Emanzipation in der Aufklärung.
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